Mexico Surpasses China as the US Top Trade Partner: A Closer Look at the Strategic and Political Connectivity

William Lemanske
2 min readJul 18, 2023


Written by William Lemanske

In a significant shift in international commerce dynamics, Mexico has edged past China to become the leading trade partner of the United States. While the transition is supported by many economic factors, the two crucial elements bolstering this development are Mexico’s geographical proximity to the US and the solid political links between the two countries.

Geographically, Mexico is the United States’ closest southern neighbor, sharing a border of over 1,900 miles. This proximity yields a myriad of logistical advantages. For instance, transportation costs for goods are significantly lower compared to shipping from Asia. The reduced shipping time also translates into shorter supply chains, allowing American companies to react quicker to changes in demand or disruptions. Furthermore, this geographical closeness fosters a shared timezone that eases communication and coordination between companies on both sides of the border.

Moreover, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the trade agreement that replaced NAFTA in 2020, is an emblem of the integrated economy between the US and Mexico. It has streamlined cross-border commerce, established robust labor laws, and improved intellectual property protections, thereby providing a solid legal foundation for growing bilateral trade.

The political connections between Mexico and the United States have also played a pivotal role in this transition. Over the years, the political ties between both nations have matured and grown in strength. They share common interests on a broad array of subjects ranging from immigration, security, to environmental issues. This close political association fosters greater trade stability, which is a significant factor for businesses when considering international trade and investment decisions.

Moreover, the Mexican government has shown a keen interest in fostering an open and friendly business climate. This policy stance, combined with the strong diplomatic relations between the two countries, has encouraged a closer economic collaboration.

In the context of the global economic landscape, where China’s rising labor costs and the uncertainty over US-China trade relations have caused concerns for American businesses, Mexico’s emergence as a leading trade partner is a promising development. The nation’s proximity and the deep-rooted political connections make it a more predictable, efficient, and beneficial partner for the United States.

In conclusion, Mexico’s ascendance to become the US’s top trading partner reflects the culmination of geographical advantage, favorable trade policies, and strengthened political ties. As the global trade dynamics continue to shift, the close collaboration between the US and Mexico will not only enhance their respective economies but also set a vital precedent for other nations seeking to optimize their trade relations.

